Men’s & Women’s Ministries
In order for people to be assimilated into the church and to live a healthy life of a Christian, they need a place to give (ministry), and a place to receive (small groups). We believe excellent ministry occurs in small group settings, where genuine concern and opportunities for sharing, discussion, prayer, and discipleship are shared.
Such moments happen through:
- Studies from a biblical perspective keep the focus of the group on true biblical fellowship.
- Intercession is important to our small groups. We pray for one another as well as for the church, its ministries, and our community.
- Fellowship is necessary for unity, vision, and sense of community to be sustained in our church. Small groups are a way for people to establish and build strong relationships.
- To remain healthy, our small groups focus on being outward-looking by reaching out to people in the church who are not involved, or people outside the church in need of the kind of ministry these groups may provide.
Our Small Groups meet twice a month. If you are interested in joining a Small Group, please contact the Group Leader for location and time.
Monthly Prayer Service
MONTHLY PRAYER SERVICE – Our Monthly Prayer Services are held on the first Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM in the Church Foyer.
Below is this year’s (2024) calendar:
- January 3
- February 7
- March 6
- April 3
- May 1
- June 5
- July 3
- August 7
- September 4
- October 2
- November 6
- December 4
Join Our Prayer Team!
PRAYER TEAM – With all the growing prayer needs of the people here at CPC, we are organizing a Prayer Team. All requests that we receive will be forwarded to the people in this group and lifted up to the Father in prayer. If you would like to be a member of the Prayer Team, please send the Church Office an email or call us (765.966.4017).
MEN’S DISCIPLESHIP GROUPS – We believe that God saves individuals for the purpose of planting them in Christian community. And men experience struggles and burdens that are unique to their roles in the family, in the church, in the workplace, and in the community. Men need other men who will speak into their lives as a voice of encouragement, prayer, wisdom, accountability, and gospel direction. When you are in the middle of the battle, sometimes it is hard to find a way out. But other men who know your pain and experience can help. With that in mind, we encourage every man at CPC to join a Men’s Discipleship Group. These groups are small, consisting of 3-5 guys who are committed to doing life together on a regular basis (meeting at least twice monthly).
If you are interested in learning more about Men’s Discipleship Groups, please contact the Church Office by email or phone (765.966.4017).
WISEMEN’S LUNCHEON (Retired Men) occurs every first Tuesday of the month. Please reach out to the Church Office for more information regarding location.
The Women’s Ministry of Christ Presbyterian Church exists to unify women of the body in a knowledge of God through the gift of His Word, and to encourage one another as we serve in His love in our church, homes, and community.
We will work together to build up the body of Christ through our commitment to one another in…
- THE WORD – By the Spirit through the reading and trusting of His Word, we rely on the Bible to guide us in truth to form our desires, decisions, and dreams. His Word is the foundation in which we gather together to encourage, empathize, train, rebuke, console, and celebrate.
- PRAYER – We have confidence in approaching God because He hears us! Together, individually, in times of great need or trouble, in times of celebration and rejoicing we will lift our voices and hearts to the Father!
- SERVICE – As our Savior took on the humble form of a servant, we too will look to the interests of others. Starting with confession, humility, and eager reliance on our Savior’s righteousness, we will look to aid in the needs of others within our church family. We will also constantly seek to have our eyes open to the physical and spiritual needs of those in our community who are lost and hurting and in need of Love. We will focus our efforts on both creative and ordinary ways to bring the lost into our fellowship of the Word and Worship.
Your CPC Women’s Ministry Team members are…
- Chris Byrd
- Joyce Johnson
- Kim Soots
- Nicole Stults
If you would like to be reached by one of our Ministry Team members, please contact the Church Office by phone (765.966.4017) or by email. Thank you!
WOMEN’S MINISTRIES for Two-Year Bible Reading Plan– We would like to share with you an opportunity to grow in the Word together! If you have never read through the Bible, are looking for a new reading plan, want to join with a community of Bible readers, or all of the above, we would like to encourage you to start a Two-Year Bible Reading Plan starting Sunday, January 1. We have attached a wonderful article about the plan and a link to the plan itself. Take time to pray about making this part of your daily walk with your Father and fellowship with others!
SCRIPTURE READING – Calling on Ladies of all ages who are comfortable and willing to read the Scripture text before the Sermon during Worship. If you would like to be added to the Scripture Reading Schedule, please reach out to Kathy Roszell or the Church Office.
- Men’s Discipleship Groups – David Young, Assistant Pastor of Shepherding & Counseling
- Monthly Prayer Service – Rich Hawkins, Senior Pastor
- Small Groups – David Young, Assistant Pastor of Shepherding & Counseling
- Student Sunday School – Mindy Deckard
- Wisemen’s Group Study – Steve Waters
- Women’s Bible Study – Chris Byrd
- Women’s Discipleship Partners – Chris Byrd
- Women’s Prayer Group – Joyce Johnson
- Youth Group – David Chambers, Assistant Pastor of Youth & Families
- A/V Tech – Isaac Cook
- CarePortal – Val Moore
- Coffee Fellowship – Laura Kehlenbrink
- Greeting/Hospitality – Church Office
- Help at Home – Aaron Fredrick, Deacon
- MealTrain – Melissa Owens
- Missions – Jim Roszell, Elder
- Moving Crew – Aaron Fredrick, Deacon
- Nursery Volunteer – Pat James, Nursery Coordinator
- Prayer Team – Rich Hawkins, Senior Pastor
- Sunday School Teacher (all grade levels) – Mindy Deckard
- Various Parachurch Organizations (supported by CPC) – Rich Hawkins, Senior Pastor
- Worship Team – Aaron Fredrick, Worship Leader
- Youth Ministry Volunteer – David Chambers, Assistant Pastor of Youth & Families
Check weekly Announcements (Worship Guides & Friday Emails (must be subscribed)) and our Church Calendar for scheduled Studies, Gatherings and Events.